Wednesday, June 19, 2019

be happy

Image result for dont worry be happy gif

There are many things in life that can bring someone happiness. Family, friends, pets, even going
to the gym. Here are a couple of random things that can bring happiness in their day.

Singing in the car
Singing in the car, everyone does it. When your song comes on it is almost impossible not to belt
out the words and sing along. Getting caught singing in the car or catching someone singing in
the car will immediately put a smile on your face.

Dancing when no one is watching
Dancing shows so much expression and you can really start moving when you are alone and
carefree. Blocking out surrounding sound and being in the moment, what’s better than that?

A random act of kindness
Things like paying for someone’s coffee, or helping a stranger carry heavy bags. It is so easy to
do and it provides you with a happy feeling throughout the rest of your day. Even witnessing
someone else doing a good deed can give you a feeling of joy.

Decorating for holidays
The warmth and coziness that happens when you redecorate your home for the holidays is such a
nice feeling. It is a simple yet effective way to bring some happiness into your home and into
your life! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

There are times where it may be difficult to find happiness in the situation you may be in; you
may be in a rough place at work or your relationship might not be the same anymore. The worst
thing you could do in that moment is think negative thoughts, it will just make the situation
worse. Get up on your feet and find something to do that will clear your head from all the chaos.
One thing most of us want to achieve is success; but success and happiness together is the tricky
part. Usually, we spend more of our time steeped in negative emotions than we do in the positive
ones. From our relationships, to our finances, our careers, our health, and our goals, we often
can’t seem to overcome the stress associated with everyday concerns. Gratitude, setting smart
goals, having a routine, having tasks, focusing on your health, and managing your time are
different ways to tie happiness and success into one.

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